Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Inspirational Cat

Aloha Poets,
Rozzy's sleepy photo inspires today's poem. Enjoy!

Degree of Possibility

Lax discipline with complacency
Backs all findings of discrepancy
Overshouting in a market of charms
Reposes together in comfort's arms

Keep me engaged as a monitor
As flight sagas leave the shore
Failures to stay in constant contact
Scrambles a jet gets me back

Automate management with systems
Decimate my whiskers of cat wisdom
Radio in a terse loud response
To my fleeting brush with romance

Too sophisticated and reliable to overshoot
Love means business with a puss and a boot
Going down now without a fight
Degree of possibility take your flight


Anonymous said...

the photo looks like a collage

pd.adams said...

Yes, Rozzy's little cabin is decorated with cat photos. he likes it that way!