Aloha Poets,
Point of embarkment inspires today's poem. Enjoy!
A Windswept Minstrel's Fiery Edifier
Such a small gift you wish to dish into your hand
Key to the avail of a child, a woman, or a man
A great token of simply a broken little cage
The little one where you as a little one learned your rage
Special little worlds sing and swing into the swirl
Agree to face this slinky race as a boy or a girl
The first achievement's decree went dark in that basement
Thirsty bereavement's agreement embarks from encasement
That kind of energy calls out from behind its blind
Shoving off ivory towers with the speed of your mind
Whether a great reader or snake bleeder concoctions abound
Say it succinctly, put your clean ear to that dirty ground
Unknowns creak and sway in the darkness of day
That group over there fills you with the stillness of a stare
Someone gave you a voice believing you to be their only choice
People may speak to give counter expectations another voice
Skeptic tanks you think a telling indicator up ahead blinks
As out there on the edge they play dodgeball with what stinks
Knotty to the core message of mystery at the door
Naughty uneasy chore claims no guru of history lore
Let's make progress let's get busy where trip wires befall
Work it out outside that workhorse court's tether ball
Get a little dizzy with the need of another human side
Central casting calls to a place where arrogances collide
Test your ally in the alley bring friends along
Be on the bright side ready to write that very song
Excruciate your flirt to fight that very wrong
Avert squirts, outbursts, and blurts, jump to where you belong
Nice place you live that beach across the isle
Bee hive sieve across the water now across the aisle
Denizen of intrigue crazy stupid once more
Out of your league something funny knocks at your door
Character under pressure where recognition scants
Revealed to be the cooker with a chance of no more chants
Out on the road again you let your tigers whirl
You wonder where it is you've been in the work-a-day world
Just to pass the time and the seed a test to pass
To satisfy a need you easily run out of gas
At last there at the edge with one more hedged bet
Haven't you the object of the quest to which you object yet?
Sanctums loom where you seek a strange dinner
Swept with a broom those cravings most inner
Cooperations in selfish corporations they stir in a stew
The wild side of you pleads to get a better view
This brink of another link leads to another world
Brush up against that brush of wispy bends twirled
Have in hand the little magic cup to cure that land they bought
Yes they thought they were so smart or so they thought
Settle a conflict leads me to council where victims abound
The belly of reconciliation never bears a victim's crown
Forces disturbed are left behind like no other
Chase the passionate verve to remember mother
The dominion of dead colors with golden bold
Behind you now what lies ahead hopeful truth be told
Once for a time lie dead where moments of truth cement
Insights so binding a surprise finding that's what I meant
A greater respect like no other finally found
One for another truth serum DNA bound
The fear in your heart was never hidden in deep sleep
In your hands at the start, not where dark rain forests creep
The return felt so heavy can it really have been true?
With bigger loads to bevy are you really me, am I you?
From sailing seas across oceans comes this little potion
To give unto you universal love and devotion
Maybe not needed now yet today we vetted
Evils yet to come somehow still with humanity wedded
Of what use is this, or some will say
The windswept minstrel will use it someday
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