Aloha Poets,
Photo of how I looked watching The Who at Woodstock in 1969 and how I looked watching The Who at the 2010 Super Bowl. The best commercial occurred on the field at halftime.
After the longest televised sound check in history (complete with laser show), viewers are enticed to purchase copies of "Woodstock" to see what The Who can really do.
It seems they need to be barraged by rain, mud, darkness, a 4 a.m. curtain call, possible electrocution, revolutionaries grabbing their microphone, and the threat of no pay to put on a good show.
A Famed Festival Aflame
Showing up with all you've got is paramount
With original planners accused of being not up to account
Purchasing power adjusts to its own sweet time
Those guys alone once carried the show on a dime
Who pioneers the spectacle of instrument destruction?
When did fame grow in the opposite direction?
Who are you to bring your famed sound to its knees
Stuck in its own downed traffic and tied up in trees
Super group's blooper was, as super is
Stooping to stupor us to make that Woodstock fizz
Rest assured you rest a starter you lose the edge
Greater numbers than earlier thought there to hedge
Some things change as others stay the same
Like that large crowd who came for the game
Influx of those large muddy roads and fields
Amid the bad weather, sanitation with no shields
Most watched of any kind in the history of TV
Field of play starkly hostile to the peaceful free
Aggression's hostile victory trumps peace and love
Possibilities of disaster never realized in the face of dove
A new energy surrounds them with so much lights and flash
A slower rendition allows them to just take the cash
The lack of violence marks its signature icon
Missed the best festival of all 1969 with all eyes on
Hippies music townspeople and war
Mass gatherings of the like are no more
Cash in on notoriety mistake the concert for a sound check
Moment that changed the history, well what the heck
Laser light to entertain the world's greatest rock band
First responder caught off guard by brain drains in the sand
Witness a laser light show accompanied by the who?
Thunder a situational blunder, then into the Hall of Fame with you
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