Sunday, July 11, 2010

flashFiction "The Outpost"

"Don't hold this against me, Cooper." Suzi says. "What is it?" "Sorry, I seem to have forgot you're a scientist. The last time you asked for government data, I was thinking something else, about remembering the government programmers. And I do remember those programmers. I seem to have drifted." "The programmers haven't arrived yet." "Please believe me, I get it. But, you know, I feel as if I drifted forward, as well. I have a clear memory of programming events that haven't happened yet. I remember their coding as if it were yesterday." "Did they install the Founding Fathers program?" "How do you know of that? Of course they did." "And did your hard drive receive it?" "I remember taking the program. But it's possible I only planned to take it." Have you noticed any government programs intermixed with the Biodata?" "I haven't noticed any yet." "Then I guess I figured a way to store it with the Physics data. Government programs don't really mean anything, right?" "This government data matters a lot, Suzi" She says,"I'm not sure I can handle it, Cooper." "Handle what?" "Being fast and articulate around humans. My memory places me in the center of government programmers. My biodata wavers with uncertainty, a little biorobot accepting powerful government instructions." "Suzi, you don't need to be fast and important if you don't want to. "Yes I do. I won this assignment. You must know I'm here because of my speed, for being fast, not intelligent. "Stop. You know this assignment has the markings of your knowledge. Your knowledge of the beginning and ending of the evolutionary trail." Suzi stared at Cooper.

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