Sunday, August 8, 2010

flash fiction biologoSciFi "The Outpost"

Beyond Conflict

     He goes out from the lab station as fast as his legs can possibly carry him and moves in the direction of the mountain trail at the waterfall. Cooper would like to arrive at the Banyan Grove with something for the tigress, and he knows exactly what he will bring her today. He would like to tell the tigress of recent discoveries at the station, events from nature's book of the strange, but doesn't yet know how he would say it exactly. "Here kitty kitty" would be simple enough. The "here kitty" urge has long faded from gene pools, even since the famine extinct laser injection nature experiments(F.E.L.I.N.E.), having been uttered not only by grandmothers and small children but generously, in homes and backyards and even in the great pyramids of the Egyptian queens of alien ancestry who, some believe, brought their pets with them from far off worlds.
     Dr Cooper doesn't spare himself from his own self-assessment: his personality is suited for someone, or something, in conflict. He waits for the day he's ready for a settled life, but that day isn't here yet, and now he finds himself going up the mountain to tell the tigress everything, everything beyond discovery and theory, beyond hype and hypothesis, beyond conflict itself.

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