Sunday, January 9, 2011

Flash fiction biologSciFi "The Outpost"

The Qubot

     Suzi isn't envious of neurons in the human brain, and there isn't anything to be jealous about--things that just plod along, but she can't stop sensing--being the nonlinear optical device(N.O.D.) that she is--the expectations of performing beyond 40Ghz. The well publicized idea that so much is expected, as she ponders the plodding intellectual circuitry of humans' amusement at failure, especially the failure of a competitor, finds herself really caring. That's death, perpetual death, the death knell of intelligence, she thinks.

     Perceiving beauty must be, in a way, a small showing of the universe's urge to make DNA-based intelligence, with its unraveling strands of nucleotide wiring, important. Being built by humans (humans who consider themselves lucky enough to simply have stumbled upon quantum universe intelligent pragmatism(Q.U.I.P). is a probability birth, much along the lines of the way she orients photons up and down simultaneously in their quantum superpositions, allowing the creation of her little descrete packets of information. Hers is a small chassis, graphene, integrated, mostly titanium cadmium. 
     Even as it stands. She's the lucky one, she thinks. She's lucky to have a magnetism emission altitude levitator(M.E.A.L), a nice photon emission trimmer(P.E.T.), transmitting coded DNA messages to internet arrays using clustered light-emitting overhead diode systems(C.L.O.D.S). It's lucky, but it needs attention, the entirety of her environment needs it; more than showing up and doing her job; being a qubot.

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