This photo was shot on a sunny day in late morning. Notice the contrast between the cool shelter of the building and the exposure of the flowers to the bright sky. Writers can also "show" contrast in a lyric, phrase, or genre. Let's try that today.
Genre: Environmental Poetry
Nature's Hug
Her hug is a gift who's arms we depend
Through the march of time a constant friend
So steady her gift and so carefully planned
Will ever her berth go unmanned?
She started with love then reinvention
Ends with our final deficit attention
The time has come now we know
Nature is a hug given us slow
We still feel lucky with the love she brings
Even now through the thick and the thin of things
She's a hard act to follow even now through the haze
Nature's hug our first gift will last through our days
Genre: Nouveau Hawaiian
The Reef is Chief
Hawaiians of old so proud and so bold
Did life really end was someone so cold
Hawaiians of old have your stories been told?
Relics sold like some curio
Hawaiians of old with stories of gold
The reef is your chief with life it can hold
Alone by its hand from the waves to the land
Hawaiians of old the reef is in command
The reef is the chief the maker of sand
Life of the land held in its hand
The reef is the chief who stands with such pride
Stems the tide holding the fury inside
Hawaiians of old, of faithful belief
Your story is gold the reef is the chief
Genre: Hip Hop
Let Me Play
Feel the need feel the heat
Make me a possibility
Wanna go go get some
I'm not just any gun
Take a possession make concessions
Log on get it on
Don't mess with a goodbye kiss
Just let me play
I'm a speed burner a real head turner
A yardage churner I will move your chain
Prototypical tickle popsicle
Coin drain grease my brain end this pain
Just let me play
The wind at your back on a firm fairway
On a good day I make 'em pay
Don't need no rogue trainer that's a no brainer
I do four point three that makes me a possibility
Just let me play
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