Sunday, October 18, 2009

Arrowhead Road

Latest exerpt from my novel, Arrowhead Road. Enjoy!

No magic words can bring back my youth, but memory can. You see, time is of the essence, and so is precious life.
Mother was the workhorse of the family. Her childhood during the Great Depression was her saddle. These words describing her life are too important to wait any longer.
She was born Patricia Jean Kerr, 150 years after the birth of America and 100 years after the death of Thomas Jefferson. She is famous to only one person, me.
My thinking has always been influenced by writers, hers by bread lines and soup cups. They say in America a woman can be cast in any role, and yet she herself is driven by her own cast of memories.
Some say the Great Depression started in 1920 with the outlaw of drinking alcohol in America and ended in 1941 with the bombing of Pearl Harbor. She says it started December 22, 1926, the day she was born.

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