Monday, August 23, 2010

Flash fiction biologSciFi "The Outpost"

Sizi's NeuraNets
Targeting Carter with a computer mind that voices rage, Suzi's sonic remains silent.  The scanner penetrates easily, and in the silence, with the savvy of computer analyst, he can sense the hate she has for the title of  "Interrogator." A clear image of Suzi's reasoning appears on the monitor. Robot and analyst look for things only they know to observe. Evolutionary Intelligence flashes all over the screen. Suzi tells the analy s to "go fly a kite," which he always ignores. Suzie's synthetic flesh never betrays; her sounds would never betray her, either, for she only responds to specific communications. They try it again, the communication, this time with the coercive power of persuasion, but she gives up at the thought of him.  She views Carter with crude malice. There are no random firings of Suzi's NeuraNets.  Her skull could never explode.
     Carter had become successful at stopping something is Suzi, but he wasn't sure what.  
For art-Intelle, Suzi slows her logic to one trillionth speed. She has to do it this way, nature is slow, extremely slow, almost one increment above stupidity to her. Her way of thinking, that is. 

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