Monday, September 13, 2010

Flash fiction biologSciFi "The Outpost"

The Gene Fields
What's going on?" he says to Cooper who is staring out the window, fidgety with his hands, but staring, as if the jungle were about to rise up. He ignores Carter with a blank look, more thinking than focus, as if he were about to make a grand discovery, and Carter shudders with the thought of another theory-laced lecture about to emerge. If they ever have a true two-way, if they can relax in each other's presence, they will help each other's survival.
"Something happened," Cooper says.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. I'm sure, it's Suzi. She's gone onto holograph event horizon(H.E.H.) mode.
"They warned this would happen with the new quantums."
"She entered her data, just a short input. We looked at each other, then she simply told me.
"Is that true?"
"Yes. For no reason. Then her scanners shut down."
"Suzi. Didn't corporate say this was possible?"
"She's coding a new form of communication. A dazzle code."
"Ok. Then."
"And more data showed up on her monitors with some kind of return code--"
"Damn. I knew it. How are you going to get her to tell you about that one, just walk up and push a query key?"
Cooper ignores Carter's last comment and, at that instant, remembers what he once learned about biologic robots and their thirst for event horizons. Now they both stare out the window at the gene fields.

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