Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Flash fiction biologSciFi "The Outpost"

The Conformity
    Here on earth the humans come up against a worthy foe, a beautiful image from the outset, a calm and quiet (well, most of the time) natural world that negotiates with big things that rise, that has set out to accomplish a purpose with great ambition, that by its beauty alone and its welcoming hues and pleasant sounds, invites these unsuspecting human, with their prefrontal lobes (always wanting to bring order), and nature, by her persistence has watched for centuries the their means of achieving order (which they now feel, finally, has newly been conceived). The humans were never compelled by simplicity, and history shows what was once criminal eventually finds its way into acceptability, as they continue to be intrigued by the pervasive absolute solution system of unifying theories(P.A.S.S._O.U.T.). No, the humans never got the message of peace, only the farm boys who at first naturally didn't like to kill other humans and found it unpleasant, yet, they still did it in their armies (so it turns out humans don't like to kill, they just merely want something dead so they can eat). And so what?  As soon as humans have developed (fully developed?) a prefrontal and a cortex--with its muscle memory mechanisms--they search, as if imagination and speculation is already wired for the unexpected, they search for understanding, insight; search for how to behave in the world, celebrate in public, voice opposition to the will of nature, create local initiatives from self knowledge, get a moral lesson, look in the mirror and wonder. Yes, humans come to fight nature with all this, and yet, their  robots don't need any of it. The Robiots make no feeble attempt at right from wrong, at getting along, beauty, benevolence. Human intelligence meets (or,so they think) feelings focused; their robiots see a one-planet conformity. Regional disappearances with the grand information age nano transferred(G.I.A.N.T.) have developed conformity in the science world, a world that has educated the population into populations of intellectuals who don't trust power or deeply developed conformities. So then, the gene therapies are necessary. Yes, to the robiots, the world finally is a contemporary scene of progress

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