Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Flash fiction biologSciFi "The Outpost"

The Nature
     Something appears on screen. Suzi, finishing the final steps of her day's work, can view a foggy image surrounded by the black graphene frame of her monitor. Here is a remnant of nature's implemented knowledge, the work of billions of years in nature's language--manifest in the very structures and patterns of this forest-- accessible to the whim of any correct computer input. Suzi blinks an instantaneous recognition then something even stronger, the knowledge of the structure of her own language held in those genes, and not only the structure of her language, but also the way she uses language. She is about to get more information than she expects, about to wander outside her area of expertise (the same mistake of humans for centuries). The strict rules to the order of sounds (yes, and language) are safely tucked away in her database; her language is digital, she is becoming aware that writing language is the final step toward its mastery. She feels, too much, like the mother of nature.

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