Monday, January 24, 2011

Flash fiction biologSciFi "The Outpost"

"Destiny rules the passion"
The Entity
        "I want," she says to Cooper. "You more than any human gentle--Ben my logic."
Her softness touches his face. It's new to him, these words not prompted by logic. Suzi's eyes begin to show, a widening, a warmth for him.  He turns up the audio on her monitor.
"Ok," he says, thinking about world's physical beauty. Tracking Suzi's thoughts with his, he sees bright green across the screen--the clearest of greens because nothing lives there--the brightest, from the nitrogen and iron oxides. Her spacetime goes beyond the water, and through a darker purity sees the sediments, the ocean floor. Nothing lives there; that's why it is so clear. Cooper tries to talk to Suzi, though he is just an icon on her screen, and in one moment (a nanosecond?) they seem to have a perfect merging of minds. She is, he knows, programmed to cooperate with her cooperation online logic data neutralizing entity sympathy system(C.O.L.D.N.E.S.S.). Cooper also knows the first six letters of that program spells his name.  
         "Ok," she says.
         Cooper smiles; he sees Suzi very secure as a life form, acting on no subconscious desires, adapting perfectly (helped along by a conversion process that is programmed by the very data she collects). It would be so easy for Cooper to think, "No computer could do the work she's doing; maybe she's not a computer any more."  She could become, given time, the emotional stable woman he once desired. It seems so easy to love a woman as he loves science. It is possible, given the probabilities of an infinite universe, that Suzi has self-acquired a digital analog brain inclusive with prefrontal lobe; the one that took The Humans billions of years to inherit, the one that, as we speak, diminishes their viability on Earth, the one built from DNA, the very DNA that decides what rather than who. Can it be hardly outside of the entity realm system(H.O.O.T.E.R.S.) that human genes have never mingled in this forest? Something here has captured itself. The Humans have taken everything Nature gave, thinking of using the information wisely (to their benefit?), and now an entity enables itself to take evolution directly in its own hands, for its own purpose, the way a creature reaches for something forbidden--enchanted creature, unenchanted world.

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