Saturday, January 29, 2011

Flash fiction biologSciFi "The Outpost"

The Enchanted
     Now, in this forest, lay the agent of any heart; theTigress has become the most divine and effective of natural agents. Those statesmen of ZContinent, with their talkative analysis pawned off as wisdom and, questioned by humanity, became unable to maintain peace; their attempts to bring peace through genetic engineering still failing. The Humans, it seems, continue to have their chances; they entice with sporadic flares of social greed, economic upheavals, all the while promising to turn back toward, or at least heed, Nature.  They feel no need to direct special attention to these jungle plants, and yet, nothing here is infallible. Still, the sense of movement against the better forces, Nature's secret recipes, the ones that have been known for their wondrous effects for eons, seems always in the opposite direction, chopping and cutting, until each plant no longer lives (even further aiding the forces of demise), minimizing the efficiency of the work of realm spirit transients(W.O.R.S.T.) within the plants; survival, it seems, remains held at bay in this true enchanted forest.

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